Friday, January 13, 2012

Snow Day Jerzday


 mmmmm breakfast:)

So yesterday was our first snowday of the year! I didn't have to go to school and I didn't have to go to work! Oh wait....I never do either of those things...I remember when snow days were the best day ever. The best part was being able to go back to sleep. My dad, who wakes up way to early, would turn my alarm clock off for me when the made the call on a snow day. I would always wake up and he would tell me that there was no school and I would go back to sleep. Another favorite memory that I have of snow days is that where Michael works they close if its snowing or raining out. We would snuggle and watch movies all day. But, now that we are big people and I don't live at home anymore, I don't go to school anymore, sleeping in is unheard of, and Michael plows when it snows cause we can't afford for him to not work every time is snows, snow days are just another day. The only good part is that he makes as much money in one day as he usually does in a week plowing. So that is a definite plus:)

The poor guy was out until after 11pm last night plowing and shoveling. He was out so late that he missed Jersey shore. Kind of a pathetic ritual we have, but hey at least it lets me take a few minutes to run away to drunk-idiot land in my head.  See? Doesn't that look fun?

Today I need to catch up on so much house work. We'll see how much I get done cause Little slept from 8-7:30 then went back to sleep until 10. I don't see many naps in our future. There is lots a laundry to be put away and my kitchen and bedroom floors are less then desirable. 

Well TGIF, and tomorrow night is DATE NIGHTTT! Date night 2.0 that is. Last time didn't go so well. Maybe I will drag Michael to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D....?

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